2015 GSEE-Taiwan Summit Program Breakout Discussions Group II

June 30, 2015

l   New journal on Experiments in Engagement

n   Engagement: scientists interact with the general public outside of the classroom such as public lecture, demo show, summer camp, etc.

n   Can be viewed as a new field of science, must be a scholarly journal

n   Ideas worth supporting/spreading

n   Need linguistic transformation as well ß targeted towards scientists who is not trained as an educator (not write towards the general public such as Scientific American does)

n   Publish negative results as well, not only good/excellent results ß lessons learned (Not something typically publishable in professional journals today)

n   Evaluation is needed; changes as we move forward (the world changes so fast now)

n   Evidence based in order to support the statement/conclusion ß Does evidence changes/varies for different countries?

u  Need to recruit board, editors, evaluators, authors, etc.

l   Must have an International Science Advisory Board outside of the regular journal board in order to gauge/balance the differences in different countries

n   Open Access, need fundings to offset the page charges at the beginning

l   Effects or impacts of special Events

n   For example, IYL: International Year of Light

u  Claim: Let the general public know more about “Light”

l   Must define Outreach à Must define the problem better

u  Funding goes to big personality, Nobel Laureates, etc.? How can we learn/judge the true outreach/programs, etc.?

u  Evaluation program starts/defines at the beginning of the program

l   Multistage funding phases: phase 1 has a lot of learning by doing components, phase 2 or later phases may have less “learning by doing” components

l   Share the resources internationally in MOOC, etc.

l   Google Semantics

l   Curriculums ß open source if is cited

n   A platform/movement for open source curriculums

n   Similar to “copyleft” movement in open source software? Extract course materials and then make it into another course? ß Falses or failures of the actions may harm the original contributors (whose original intention or listing may be different from the way it is published/extracted later)?!